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Page Updates

Just a little blurb to say that I've been working on some page updates, trying out some new stuff. The News Blog is where all the news archives will be kept, but the most recent news will be on the front page. In the mean time, I know there's not much to the site yet, but rest assured, we're working diligently to create the real life content that will contribute to this site's content. I mostly made this site as a way to motivate myself to get cracking on production, but also as a technological respite if you will, when I get tired of the artsy stuff, I can jump back into the html-ey goodness for a change of pace.

If you're here and looking for anything to do, well, feel free to stop by the General Chat section of the messageboard. And if you'd like to be informed about updates and such, send me a message and I'll add you to the list! Also, I invite you to check out my online portfolio, at It hasn't been updated in a while due to my work on this project, but it's still my little home on the web.


**All Content within is © Brendan Setaro and Ryan Keeler unless noted otherwise- All Rights Reserved**